Calypso PF by Roger Excoffon.
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Almost every typeface that was available in metal type is digitized since the early nineties of the last century. However, we discovered that the digital versions of Calypso (Roger Excoffon) did not meet our expectations. So, we decided to make our own version based on metal type, cast recently from the original matrices from Fonderie Olive (and not used for print). Roger Excoffon was a designer that made some of the most remarkable typefaces in his time. Examples are Antique Olive, Mistral, Choc and Banco. They all had a French touch with an open mind of doing things different. Antique Olive was an answer on the success of Helvetica and Univers. Excoffon did not copy blind like many others but made a typeface that has its own and distinctive character. Calypso was also a typeface that had no competitors. We like the unconventional character of this typeface. It is highly redundant and the readability is bad. And yet it is wonderful like many other designs from Excoffon. And isn't less more? Download Calypso PF and make a tribute to this designer! Look also at 'The making of Calypso PF' on YouTube:
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Lecture on the choice of a typeface
This lecture deals with the choice for a particular typeface and the categorization of available typefaces using the classification of Vox. This classification was published in 1954 by Maximilien Vox. Since that time so many new typefaces are published that the classification had to be updated to the present time. In the book Letter Fountain you can find a updated version that is called Vox+. In this lecture a part of this updated version is presented with a lot of examples. In the supplied Word-file there is an explanation for every sheet and the sheets are supplied in a PDF file. Please let us know when you find an error in one of the documents. We would like to present this lecture also in French. Please let us know if you could translate it for educational use.
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Conférence sur l'histoire du type
This lecture on the history of type deals with the first forms of communication from more than 15,000 years ago until book typography in the present time. It shows many examples of books and in the supplied Word-file there is an explanation for every sheet. The sheets are supplied as a PDF file. Please let us know when you find an error in one of the documents or when you find incorrect information.
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Exercice des formes des lettres
Cet exercice, utilisé dans l'enseignement depuis la première publication de
La Fontaine aux Lettres, aide les étudiants à apprendre les différences entre trois caractères à empattements similaires et trois caractères sans empattements utilisés fréquemment. Dessiner ces lettres à la main aide les étudiants à devenir plus conscient des différences subtiles qui influencent l'effet typographique dans une mise en pages. Dans cet exercice seuls la capitale
A et le bas de casse
a sont montrés, mais vous trouverez l'alphabet complet dans la version imprimée de
La Fontaine aux Lettres.
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Chronologie de la typographie et de l'art
Cette chronologie met en corrélation la création de polices de caractères historiques et les repères dans l'histoire de l'art et dans les mouvements du design. Art, design et typographie se sont nourri mutuellement pendant de nombreux siècles. Pour cette raison cette chronologie s'est avérée être extrêmement précieux pour l'enseignement (et est l'une des parties les plus copiées du livre).
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Chronologie des fonderies
Cette chronologie unique est une représentation graphique de l'index étendu des fonderies qui sont inclus dans
La Fontaine aux Lettres. Cette chronologie montre comment les fonderies se sont développées aux fils des années, les concurrents, les fusions et les apparitions de nouvelles fonderies. Elle détermine les périodes les plus importantes pour les créations de polices et les matériels innovateurs ; les étapes progressives qui nous ont amenés là où nous sommes aujourd'hui.
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